Marion Horgan

The sky is fresh and clear,And love will still go on,Amid the debris and the tears….Marion Horgan

Martina Furlong

“Alongside all the terrible sadness and grief there has been great growth and important lessons to be learned.”…..Martina Furlong

The Silence

Tourism took a hammering,with bookings cancelled.The hotels stopped functioning,restaurants closed with no indication as when they would re- open..Pat Carroll

Theresa McCormack

Our fancy dresses hang silently in our wardrobes with our fancy satin high heels and designer bags we bought last Summer that we couldn’t really afford but “Barbara has one so you know”..Theresa McCormack

Mary Wallace

Yes,we are broken
pick up the pieces resilience
human nature gives me hope.
Things will be different………
Mary Wallace,Artist

Jean Gilson

History for me is my mum telling me her tales of Her War, mine is telling my kids of my history growing up in the North … My War. And one day, our children will tell the tales of history of how a global pandemic arrived in Ireland…Their War…..Jean Gilson

The Cobh Animation Team

“I don’t mind being at home I quite enjoy it, there is always something to do. I’m not a domestic goddess and never will be. “……The Cobh Animation Team

Bernadette Doolan

Silence, the complete absence of sound………… Isolation, cocooning, lockdown, death rate, positive cases, nursing homes, frontline staff, the vulnerable, the lonely. Covid brought a new conversation to everyone, a discussion point, a curiosity, afear, the unknown. My reflection of lockdown is from multiple vantage point. As a parent, wife, daughter, friend, a stranger and as…

Diana Muller

Tell the swallow from the wren,
wearing shorts again…..Diana Muller,Artist

Michelle Dunne

It’s not long before we’re living a new, revolutionary lifestyle. One where we finally applaud those who really keep the world turning and family time has returned to its rightful place at the top of the pyramid…Michelle Dunne,Author